VTMN Packs are for any and every adult who wants to focus on improving their health, but doesn’t know where to get started. For those who are already actively taking vitamins, we simply provide a smarter way to supplement. And for those who aren’t it’s a great way to give it a try without having to commit to full bottles! Generally, almost everyone can benefit from supplements, and our Health Assessment is designed to figure out exactly which ones you may need. We also suggest re-taking the health assessment if your lifestyle or health goals change so that you can be sure you are always getting exactly what is right for you. Whether you are a pregnant woman who needs an easy way to take her vitamins, a busy professional who has no time to focus on their self care, an individual who enjoys the convenience of a set it and forget it subscription service or just want a fun new thing to try, we have the perfect solution, made just for you! We really aim to make it simple, fun and convenient by taking the hassle out of taking vitamins! It’s a beautiful package that you will proudly display on your counter as a friendly reminder to keep up with your routine to feel your best today and support you in the long term.