Many people ask me, “do I really need to be taking a multivitamin if I’m healthy?”

Well let’s answer that. Firstly, we need to understand what the word healthy truly means. Being ‘healthy’ is an individual feeling, but also something we can quantify with the right lab work (it’s not the whole story, but a big part of it). I generally determine a patient of mine to be in good health when they answer ‘yes’ to the following questions:

-Do you sleep at least 7 hours at night and wake feeling rested?

-Do you eat at least 5 servings of vegetables most days of the week?

-Do you exercise in some form for 30 minutes daily?

-Do you feel good after eating, without bloat or bowel issues?

-Do you feel your stress levels are well managed?

I also assess lab work to get an overview of what’s going on in the body on a cellular level. I make sure there are no issues with:

-high cholesterol

-nutrient deficiencies (iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D)

-inflammation (measured by the test CRP)

-thyroid problems

-liver/kidney problems

PLUS… Any specific tests for digestion or hormone symptoms

Okay, so if all of the above look good we are in a position to simply ‘support’ optimal health with a good quality multivitamin. Remember, the goal of a multivitamin is to fill in any nutritional gaps if we aren’t eating our best or are traveling, for instance. The truth of the matter is, most people need more than a multivitamin, but it can be a great starting place to kick the body into motion.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a high-quality multivitamin:

-it should be in capsule form (not tablets which are hard to break down in the gut)

-it should contain the active, easy-to-absorb forms of vitamin B12 and folate (look for the word ‘methyl’ on the ingredient list next to these vitamin names)

-it should contain vitamin D3, ideally 500IU minimum to help keep your levels in the normal range

Here’s to a healthier you!